
Welcome to Wrens.

We’re thrilled to have you here on the Wrens class page, your dedicated source for staying informed about your child’s learning journey. Each week, we’ll share updates about the themes, activities, and new skills your child will be exploring in class.

This page is designed to give you a window into what’s happening in Year 1, so you can stay connected and engaged with your child’s education. We look forward to sharing this adventure with you and supporting your child’s growth and development together.

Class Teacher: Mrs Prinold

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Broadhurst

Spring Week 2

In Art we have been learning about the artist Henri Matisse and found out how he created collagesWe worked with our friends to create our own collage, arranging the shapes on the paper until we were happy with our creations. We then glued the shapes in place.  

Spring Week 1

This week in computing we explored how to make a Beebot move in the direction we wanted it to goWe learnt what each of the buttons on the Beebot does.  

Week 14

This week in Wren we took part in our Christmas Play called ‘Simply the Nativity’. We took on a role, acted out the story of the very first Christmas and sang our Christmas songs. We performed in front of an audience of our friends and families. 

Week 13

In Art we have designed our own rangoli patternWe tried to make our pattern symmetricalWe chose the media we wanted to use to add colourWe used water colours, aqua pencils and pastels.  

Week 12

In Science this week we have been investigating whether children with bigger feet have bigger handsWe drew around our feet and hands and measured them using cubesWe collected all our data together to look for patternsWe found out that we are all different so some children with bigger feet had smaller hands and some children with bigger feet had bigger hands.  

Week 11

This week in Wrens we have been exploring mechanisms, looking at books with moving pictures as part6 of design and technologyWe have developed our cutting and measuring skills to create our own levers and sliders.  

Week 10

This week in Wrens we celebrated Odd Sock Day as part of anti-bullying week The children learned about being a kind friend to everyone. We learned to say STOP. Bullying is Several Times On Purpose.  

Week 9

The children have been learning about why and how we celebrate bonfire night. In English this week we have been poetsWe talked about the words we can use to describe the sound that fireworks make e.g. boom, pop, crash fizzWe used these words to create our own Bonfire poems. 

Week 8

In Wrens this week, we had a visitor in to talk to us about the celebration of Diwali. We talked about what Diwali was, why people celebrate it and the origins of the celebration. We had lots of fun creating our own Rangoli patterns out of colourful rice. 

Week 7

This week ‘Key Strings’ visited us in school. We named and listened to string instruments. We learned that the bigger the string instrument, the lower the sound and that there are different elements of music such as pitch and tempo.  

Week 6

This week in maths we have been looking at 2D shapes and their properties. We can name and describe circles, squares, rectangles and triangles.  We have been looking closely at the difference between a hexagon and a pentagon.  


Week 5

In Wrens we have been geographers this week, exploring our local areaWe identified physical and human features in our local areaFrom the bridge we were able to see the Wrekin in the distance.  

Week 4

This week in Wrens we used the trackpad (mouse) on the laptop to create a picture on Purple Mash. We learnt how to use the fill tool on Paint2. Can you log in to purple mash at home and create a picture at home?

Week 3

In Wrens we have been learning how to dribble a ball using our handsWe tried hard to make sure we kept our eyes on the ball and bounced the ball as high as our waist.  

Week 2: Feeling Safe and Special 

This week in our PSHEE lesson we have been talking about feeling safe and special.  We have created our own class agreement to make our class a happy and safe place.


Week 1 Welcome to Year 1!

This week in Wrens we have been learning all about our learning powers.

Our learning powers are resilience, resourcefulness, reflectiveness and reciprocity (communicating with others).  We have completed lots of challenges. One of our favourite challenges was working together to create a mushroom with the parachute. 


Useful Websites for Home Learning (Please see our learning at home page)

Here is a great list of websites you can use at home:

Logins (your child has their own login for these websites)

Purple Mash

Discovery Education Espresso


Bug Club