Chicks 1

Welcome to Chicks 1

We’re delighted to have you here on our dedicated Chicks 1 page, where you can stay up-to-date with your child’s weekly learning journey. Each week, we’ll share information about the exciting activities and themes we’re exploring in class, along with the key skills and concepts your child will be developing.

This page is designed to keep you informed and involved, offering insights into what your child is experiencing in Reception. We hope you find this page helpful as we work together to support your child’s learning adventure.

Class Teacher: Miss Garner

Teaching Assistant: Miss Wilkins

SEND Support: Mrs Bradley

Spring Week 2

This week the children have been learning about the season of Winter. The children explored our outside area and looked for changes in the environment since Autumn.  

Spring Week 1

This week we explored and evaluated a range of different puppets we have in our classroom. We talked about different types of puppets including finger puppets, hand puppets, glove puppets, stick puppets, string puppets, shadow puppets and human body puppets. We tried on lots of different puppets, identifying which type of puppet they are. We talked about each puppet being made from textiles. 

Week 14

The farm on wheels visited chicks 1. The children learned to name the farm animals in the stable in the bible story ‘The First Christmas’.  

Week 12

The children were learning to mix two colours together . The children learned the song blue, red, yellow, white that’s the order strong to light.  

The children learned that we start with the weaker colour and add the stronger colour to make a new colour. The children then explored the colour charts and named the shade they had made. This colour was sunshine yellow. 

Week 11

The children have been learning to make a structure using junk modelling. The children explored the joining box and made buildings using PVA glue, masking tape and Sellotape. 

Week 10

This week in chicks 1 the children have been learning about anti-bullying week. The children learned about being a kind friend to everyone. We learned to say STOP. Bullying is Several Times On Purpose.  

Week 9

The children have been learning about why and how we celebrate bonfire night. The children looked at different celebrations and then talked about how people celebrate bonfire night. The children made their own fireworks pictures using marbles and paint. 

Week 8

This week the children have taken part in a Bhangra dancing workshop We have been learning about different ways Diwali can be celebrated. The children listened to the music and learned the dance moves. 

Week 7

This week ‘Key Strings visited us in school. We named and listened to string instruments. We learned the bigger the string instrument the lower the sound.  

Week 6


The children went on an autumn walk to explore how our school environment changes during the season of autumn. 

Week 5

Kinetic letters

Today the children made wands to help develop their understanding of up, down, slide and flick. They used joining materials to make their own wands.

Week 4

In Chicks 1 this week we have been learning about people who help us at school and the community. The children painted portraits of people who help us in school.

Week 3

In Mathematics this week the children have been learning to sort objects. They worked really hard at selecting their own way to sort, e.g. by colour or size.

Week 2: Exploring Colour and Texture.  

In Chicks 1 this week we have been learning to explore paints using our hands. We named the primary colours and then mixed paints together with our hands to make a new colour.  

Week 1: Welcome to Reception!

The children have had a great first week in Chicks 1. The children have begun to learn the school expectations of 'We are Kind, 'We are Honest' and 'We Work Hard.'

We have been working really hard at remembering how to ‘ choose it, use it and put it away’.


Information for children starting Reception in September 2024

Road to School

Induction Book

Meet the Teacher


Useful Websites for Home Learning

Here is a great list of websites you can use at home:

Logins (your child has their own login for these websites)

Purple Mash

Discovery Education Espresso


Bug Club