
Welcome to Robins

We’re thrilled to have you here on the Robins class page, your dedicated place for staying informed about your child’s learning journey. Each week, we’ll share updates about the themes, activities, and new skills your child will be exploring in class.

This page is designed to give you a window into what’s happening in Year 1, so you can stay connected and engaged with your child’s education. We look forward to sharing this adventure with you and supporting your child’s growth and development together.

Class Teacher: Miss Gascoigne

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Longmuir

Spring Week 2

This week in Robins, we have been exploring Victorian toys. We were all mesmerized by the spinning tops and knew to be careful with the doll – as her face and legs are made of fragile materials.  

Spring Week 1

This week in Robins, we have been looking really closely at our handwriting – how we sit, how we hold our pencils and how we use our other hand to help us move our books.

Week 14

This week in Robins we took art in our Christmas performance ‘Simply the Nativity’. We all had a role – whether that was an angel or a musician- and we enjoyed singing all of the magical songs we were taught. We performed in front of audiences of our friends and families.  

Week 12

This week in Robins, the children have been further developing their knowledge and understanding of Design and Technology and mechanisms by learning how to make a lever mechanism. To do this they used split pins to create their lever. Thier designs are amazing and have taken inspiration from our latest English story – Jack and the Beanstalk.  

Week 11

This week, Robins have been exploring how to make a sliding mechanism. They have had to use their knowledge and understanding of DT and their problem solving skills to figure out to best make this. Their first try turned out REALLY well! Good job Robins! 

Week 9

The children have been exploring poetry. They have been looking at ‘what makes it a poem?’ and have engaged in some poetry books to discover their favourite.  

Week 8

In Robins this week, we had a visitor in to talk to us about the celebration of Diwali. We talked about what Diwali was, why people celebrate it and the origins of the celebration. We had lots of fun creating our own Rangoli patterns out of colourful rice. 

Week 7

This week in art, Robins have been looking at mixing colours to paint an observational drawing of a leaf. They had to look closely at the shape, colour, shape and tone of the leaf, in order to make these as accurate as possible. They used their knowledge of colour mixing and making things lighter and darker to achieve the perfect shade of paint for their leaves! 

Week 6

This week in Robins we have been looking at 2D shapes and their properties. To begin this, we made different 2D shapes using different resources. 

Week 5

In Robins this week we have been adding glockenspiels to our music song Hey You’. The children had to find the pulse and keep to the beat, making sure to hit the note on the first count only. They were all very musical and stayed in time with each other.

Week 4

In Robins this week we have been using the laptops and class computer to begin to explore how to use the mouse and trackpad to create a drawing. We had to think about how to use double clicking to open browser icons and looked at how to hold and drag to create our picture.

Week 3

In Robins this week, we went outside to use our senses and think about what things around school made us happy. We thought about nature and how things both big and small can make us feel such an amazing emotion and why these things might make us feel this way.  

Week 2: Finding the Pulse   

This week in Robins, we have started our new music sessions called ‘Charanga!’ We were so engaged when ‘finding the pulse’ and using our bodies to help us clap, stomp and dance to the beat.  

Week 1: Welcome to Year 1!

This week in Robins, we have been learning all about Learning Powers. Our learning powers are resilience, resourcefulness, reflectiveness and reciprocity (communicating with others). We have taken part in lots of fun tasks, our favourite was looking inside a (jelly) brain to learn about all of the things our brain helps us to do!


Useful Websites for Home Learning (Please see our learning at home page)

 Here is a great list of websites you can use at home:

Logins (your child has their own login for these websites)

Purple Mash

Discovery Education Espresso


Bug Club