Happy Lunchtimes
At Wrockwardine Wood infant School and Nursery we use the Happy Lunchtime system to promote good behaviour at lunchtime.
The School Safety Squad, made up from a child representing each class have a set a series of goals for lunchtime, these are:
- For children to show respect to each other staff and equipment.
- For children to play with kindness and consideration
- For a quieter, pleasant dining hall.
Our Happy Lunchtimes System is as follows:
The Zone
An area of playground will be known as ‘The Zone’. Each day a different activity will take place, drawn from a wide range of activities designed to appeal to differing styles of play.
Each day, a different lunchtime supervisor plans an exciting activity for the children to play. The activity in named on 'specials chalk board' along with the adult leading it.
The Zone is designed to be inclusive – a place where everybody is welcome to come and play.
Expectations for the Zone
- Use the equipment in the zone – it can’t be taken out of the zone
- Everyone can join in (Children should reply ‘Of course you can’ when asked by another child if they can join in)
The Steps.
- Pom Poms. The winning class with the most amount of pom poms in their class jar is revealed in the weekly celebration assembly.
- Golden Lunchbox. A reward is given from the golden lunchbox to the class that have the most amount of pom poms.
- Certificates. Each lunchtime supervisor selects 2 children a day to receive a certificate that display positive behaviour in the dining hall, such as good table manners and being kind and polite to everyone.
- Golden table. Each half term, lunchtime supervisors will select 10 children to sit at the golden table. The table will be decorated and a lunchtime supervisor will join the children as a special guest.
Step 1: A quiet word with the child to talk about what had happened so that the child understands what behaviour is expected now.
Step 2: Two minutes reflection, accompanying a staff member quietly on the playground.
Step 3: Alert a member of the senior leadership team.