
Induction and Transition Policy

Transition is the change a child encounters moving from one familiar setting (including home) to another. Some children by the time they have reached nursery age may have experienced several transitions which will have helped them to adapt their thoughts, feelings and behaviour to meet new expectations.

The transitions your child is likely to experience while attending our nursery maybe:

  • Transition from one provider to another during the week e.g. child minder to nursery
  • Transition from a day care nursery to a school nursery.

Some children may not have experienced several transitions so may find transition from home to nursery school more difficult. This is why we believe a home visit is important for every child when they transfer to us. It is important for a child to meet their key person for the first time in an environment where they feel safe and happy. Transitions need continuity to provide your child with confidence, thereby feeling secure and making the process exciting.

We want our children to experience a smooth transition throughout their learning, so that the pace and quality of learning is maintained to ensure that children continue to make the very best progress. Our Induction and Transition policy addresses, principles and procedures, planning and assessment as well as classroom organisation and teaching styles. Please click here to read more.

Nursery Induction

Once your child has been allocated a place at our nursery, we will book a home visit. Parents and children often feel more relaxed in their own home where they feel safe and appreciate having time to talk on a one-to-one basis. It helps to develop a positive relationship with our staff and build trust in a more relaxed environment.

After the home visit, your child will attend an induction session.  During the induction, the nursery teacher and the nursery early years practitioner will share lots of information about the nursery ethos, the Early Years curriculum and our assessment procedures. Your child will also be allocated a key person who will support settling your child into their new environment. 

If your child has Special Educational Needs and/or a Disability(SEND),please go to the SEND pages on this website so you know what we offer and what support you can expect from us.