The governing board recognise that children need protection, connection, understanding and care and that these are the corner stones of our positive  behaviour policy.  The governing board have established the following principles upon which our Relationships and Behaviour Policy is based:

Written Statement of Behaviour Principles

  1. We will create an ethos based around inclusive and compassionate principles which is beneficial to the well-being of all children.
  2. We will model high levels of nurture and empathy, with containment and structure, to support children to feel safe.
  3. We will provide clear boundaries, predictable routines, expectations, and regulated responses to behaviour.
  4. Natural consequences that can follow certain behaviours will be made explicit, without the need to enforce sanctions that can shame and ostracize children from their peers, school community and family, leading to potentially more negative behaviour.
  5. Adult responses to behaviour will ensure that children feel safe and that all needs are met.
  6. We will recognise that behaviour is often a form of communication and the expression of underlying needs. It is not possible to support a child’s behaviour without addressing these needs.
  7. Through a well-planned engaging curriculum, we will provide personalised responses to supporting children’s personal development and well-being.
  8. We recognise that consistency does not mean always responding in the same way to each child or behaviour, it means responding in a way which is consistent to our values and beliefs.
  9. We understand that whilst each individual child benefits from a consistent approach, being consistent and fair is not about everyone getting the same, but everyone getting what they need.
  10. We will set out our expectations through regular communication, through the school website and newsletters so parents have a clear understanding of what is expected and know how they can support their child

Behaviour Expectations

All staff implement the expectations for behaviour consistently and carry visual prompts for the children on their ID lanyard. Please see image below.

Please click on the link to read our Behaviour Policy