Moving to Key Stage 2

When your child is in Year 2 you must apply for a place at another school, a Junior School or a local primary school. Please see our admissions page for more information about transferring to Year 3.

We have a strong transition programme with Wrockwardine Wood Church of England Junior School. Our staff work together to ensure children have a smooth transition between Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.

The transition programme begins in the autumn term when Y2 and Y3 children meet for a sports event, these continue throughout the year at the Junior school so children become familiar with their new school.

In the summer term, when Junior school places have been allocated children attend several induction visits which take place at different points in the school day. This gives children the opportunity to experience the rhythm of the day at the Junior school.  If required additional visits are planned for our SEND children. 

Regular communication is sent to parents via the Junior school once school places have been allocated. Parents are also given opportunities to visit the school and attend information workshops. 

Headteacher's, SENDCo's, Pastoral leads and Y2/Y3 teachers hold several transition meetings to share important information to ensure children's learning does not stall  during the transition from Year 2 to Year 3. 

Children get to meet their new teachers when they visit the children in Year 2. The Year 3 teachers get to know the children, how they learn and about their friendship groups. The SENDCo from the junior school will also visit children with SEND, to get to know them and their needs. She will also make contact with parents.

Find out more about Wrockwardine Wood C of E Junior school by clicking on the logo below.