School and nursery closure

Due to Severe weather and Unforeseen Circumstances

In the event of bad weather, or unforeseen operational difficulties, the Headteacher may take the difficult decision to close the school for all or part of a day. Every effort would be made to keep the school open or give parents as much prior notice as possible.
If the school must close part way through the day, for example because of a threat of freezing or dangerous conditions, then a text message and or a telephone call would be made.

In the event of severe weather parents need to listen to the radio stations giving out information on school closures:

BBC Radio Shropshire being the main source of information for our school.

Details would be updated on the Telford and Wrekin website. 

Telford and Wrekin School/Nursery Closures

Remote Learning

Please access our remote learning page if it is necessary to close. Here you will find lessons and activities for you to do with your child. You will also need your child's log in and password for Microsoft Teams, Purple Mash and Mathletics.