Accessibility Plan
‘Love, Laugh, Learn’
Respect, Resourcefulness, Reciprocity (Teamwork), Reflectiveness, Resilience
The dreams we have for our children are too strong to let obstacles get in the way.
As a federation we aim to include all pupils, including those with disabilities, in the full life of the school and nurseries.
Our strategies to do this is to:
- have high expectations of all pupils
- find ways in which all pupils can take part in the full curriculum including sport, music, and drama
- plan out-of-school activities including all school trips and excursions so that pupils with disabilities can participate as fully as possible
- set and admissions policy and criteria which do not discriminate against pupils with disabilities or treat them unfairly
- devise teaching strategies which will remove barriers to learning and participation for pupils with disabilities
- plan the physical environment of the school/nursery to cater for the needs of pupils with disabilities
- raise awareness of disability amongst staff across the federation (teaching and non-teaching) through a programme of training
- provide written information for pupils with disabilities in a form which is user friendly.
- use language which does not offend in all its literature and make staff and pupils aware of the importance of language.
- examine our library and reading books to ensure that there are examples of positive images of disabled people
Definition of Disability (Equality Act 2010)
“A person has a disability if he or she has a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on his or her ability to carry out normal day to day activities”
Physical or mental impairment includes sensory impairments and also hidden impairments.
‘substantial’ means ‘more than minor or trivial’. ‘Long-term’ means has lasted or is likely to last more than 12 months.
The definition is broad and includes children with a wide range of impairments, including learning disabilities, dyslexia, autism, speech and language impairments, Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), diabetes or epilepsy, where the effect of the impairment on the pupil’s ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities is adverse, substantial and long-term. All those with cancer or surviving cancer; HIV or Multiple Sclerosis are now included from the point of diagnosis.
A significant number of pupils are therefore included in the definition.
Normal day-to-day activity
The test of whether the impairment affects normal day-to-day activity is whether it affects one or more of the following:
- mobility;
- manual dexterity;
- proprioception difficulties;
- physical co-ordination;
- continence;
- ability to lift, carry or otherwise move everyday objects;
- speech, hearing or eyesight;
- memory or ability to concentrate, learn or understand
- perception of risk of physical danger.
Our accessibility plan ensures that we continue to improve all aspects of the physical environment of the school and nursery sites, the curriculum and written information so that all children with a disability can succeed.
It shows how accessibility is to be improved for children staff and visitors to the school and nurseries in a given timeframe and anticipating the need to make reasonable adjustments to accommodate their needs where practicable.
Scope of the Plan
The plan covers all three main strands of the planning duty:
1. Improving the physical environment of school and nurseries for the purpose of increasing the extent to which disabled pupils are able to take advantage of education and associated services.
The physical environment includes things such as steps, stairways, kerbs, exterior surfaces and paving, parking areas, building entrances and exits (including emergency escape routes), internal and external doors, gates, toilets and washing facilities, lighting, ventilation, lifts, floor coverings, signs and furniture.
Aids to physical access include ramps, handrails, lifts, widened doorways, electromagnetic doors, adapted toilets and washing facilities, adjustable lighting, blinds, induction loops and way-finding systems.
Physical aids to access education cover things such as ICT equipment, enlarged computer screens and keyboards, concept key boards, switches, specialist desks and chairs and portable aids for children with motor coordination and poor hand/eye skills, such as extra robust scientific glassware and specialist pens and pencils.
The provision of a special piece of equipment or extra assistance will be made through the SEN framework and to a lesser extent through the planning duty which applies to all schools. The distinction between auxiliary aids and services provided through the SEN route and those provided under the planning duty is that the SEN duties relate to the individual, whereas the planning duty relates to the provision of aids or services in terms of the population (and future population) of the school. For example, a pupil with hearing impairment might have aids and support provided through the statement of SEN but the school might as a general measure provide soft furnishings and a quiet room through the planning duty.
2. Increase the extent to which disabled pupils can participate in the school’s curriculum.
This strand of the planning duty will help to improve access to a full, broad and balanced curriculum. It covers a range of elements including ensuring that teaching and learning is accessible through school and classroom organisation and support, especially deployment of staff, timetabling, curriculum options and staff information and training.
The school and nurseries plan for access to the curriculum for all disabled pupils although many adjustments to access will be dependent on individual needs and may be provided through the SEN framework. The accessibility plan helps to ensure that the school and nurseries are planning and preparing to respond to the particular needs of individual pupils.
3. Improving the delivery of information to pupils and parents with disabilities
This part of the duty covers planning to make information normally provided by the federation in writing to its pupils - such as books and work sheets, information about school events - available to disabled pupils and parents. This will include alternative formats such as Braille, coloured overlays, audio tape and large print and also the provision of information orally, through lip speaking or sign language, through a recognised symbol system or ICT. This information will also be made available within a reasonable time frame and take account of the pupils' disabilities and pupils' and parents' preferred formats.
Other related school policies.
Equality for disabled pupils is seen as a prerequisite to the working of the school, and is implicit and supported in all of the school's policies including.
- Teaching and Learning
- Equalities
- Behaviour
- School Improvement Plan
- SEND policy
- Health & safety
- Safeguarding
Actions to ensure equality for pupils with disabilities
The governing board shall undertake a disability audit annually and review the Accessibility plan
As a result of the audit, we shall:
- update the plan which will include any relevant targets and publish on the school website
- make the plan and any targets known to all teaching and support staff, pupils and parents
- monitor the success of the Plan
The school recognise that monitoring is essential to ensure that pupils with disabilities are not being disadvantaged, and that monitoring leads to action planning.
We will monitor:
- Admissions
- Attainment
- Attendance
- Exclusions
- Selection & recruitment of staff
- Governing board representation
- Parent feedback
Current position from previous plans
Wheelchair access and emergency escape is provided at the nurseries and main school reception.
- The front door has wheel chair access.
- Fire escapes have wheel chair access.
- Disabled toilet facilities are available on both sites for children
- An ambulant cubicle has been fitted in one toilet block at the infant school
- Curbs painted on the playground
- The school accesses specialist equipment when needed e.g. chair, tables
- Two Disabled Parking Spaces in the main car park for staff and visitors
- Parents are asked if they require access arrangements for
- Parent/Teacher consultation
- Performances
- Work shops or information meetings
- Space for small group work and individual work for targeted learners
- A physical environment that is safe and welcoming.
- A sound system in main school hall
- Handrails on slope
- Coloured kerbs and edges on the playground
- Clear visual signage
- Developing outstanding teaching across school for all children
- Strong assessment for learning to gain an understanding of a child's developmental needs
- Strong transition between classes and other settings
- Home Visits to build strong relationships
- Provide tiered intervention
- Make adjustments for end of KS1 assessments and Y1 Phonic Screening
- Work closely with other agencies and professionals to support children with disabilities
- The SENDCO has achieved the expected National qualification
- Staff training about autism and Developmental Coordination Disorder (DSD)
- Small Achievable Relative Targets (SMART) to measure progress and achievement and to set aspirational; targets
- Ensure all educational visits are accessible
- Peer support and buddy systems
- PSHE/SMSC a strong part of the school ethos
- Intervention programmes in place
- Nurture group The Den
- Using a range of teaching methods and styles to facilitate access for all children e.g. appropriate use of language; questioning techniques; pair work; group work; ‘mind-friendly’ learning techniques to suit all learning styles – visual/ auditory / kinaesthetic
- A number of resources have been purchased to support children with Developmental Coordination Disorder such as:
- Chewellery
- Sloping boards
- Special grip pencils
- Wobble cushions
- weighted toys
Written and other information
- Visual timetables
- Makaton signs used when necessary
- All information for parents is placed on the website
- Text/email sent to hearing impaired parents
- Alternative means of recording features in children’s books
- Signers are used for parents when required
- Translators and interpreters are used when required
- Private rooms are available for parents when required.
- Alternative formats for home learning projects are available e.g. Bug Club website.
- Coloured overlays or paper
Please click here to view our accessibility plan.
This Accessibility Plan is compliant with current legislation and requirements as specified in Schedule 10, relating to Disability, of the Equality Act 2010. Governors are accountable for ensuring the implementation, review and reporting on progress of the Accessibility Plan over a prescribed period
Publications for Guidance